
Adventures inside Organisations and Mind

Trends and Guides

Trend watching is a fabulous thing – what the first part of this page is about. Some take it really seriously and do a great job. I enjoy it, it keeps me on my innovation toes and up to date on all manner of ground breaking topics. I’ve written and published four reports that you can find at the bottom of this page.

A trend watcher is an innovator that spots trends and determines if they are here to stay and whether they should be incorporated into existing strategy.

Stephen Danelutti

Work in progress

Before I finish working on a trend report, publish it and make it available for access, either free or paid for, I create a page to help define an outline.

I also write blog posts about the topic to help me flesh out the content and input for the trend report. These blog posts are captured in the page.

My next trend report is titled Future of HumAIn Work.

If you haven’t gathered from the title it’s about AI and how humans who use it at work can innovate and progress faster and better than those who don’t.

Completed trend reports

Click on each title or image to find out more:


These are short, informative guides covering specific topics. They are different to trend reports which are slightly more detailed and longer pieces of content. I still put quite a lot of effort into them, not only in researching the content but also creating them (and brevity and simplicity sometimes take greater effort). All will be tracked below.


Welcome to my quirky corner of the internet – a cornucopia of writing and doodles on digital and startup innovation, sense making, creativity, technology, employee and customer experience, the future of work and DharmaHacking (where binaries meet Dharma). Get ready to explore the edge of possible.


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Adventures inside Organisations and Mind
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