
Adventures inside Organisations and Mind

Is Intention running the software in your head

This is an alternative take on what I have written about before, Choose carefully how you spend your time. In that piece I riffed on Annie Dillard’s famous quote: “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” By that is ultimately meant, you become what you spend your time doing and who you do it with, so choose carefully. In this post I go deeper and on a slight tangent.

Is intention running the software in your head. I mean are you deciding and choosing what to do, and to what intent you put something to, deliberately?

We use different software and instruct it in certain ways to achieve different things.

Or we don’t.

You get out what you put in.

You can use software or not use it correctly. You can run it on autopilot and automate or outsource tasks, to AI for instance.

The key is that what you get out depends on the instructions you provide and how you verify output. But first come intentions and motive.

Intention and motive, cozy bedfellows

Do you know what you want out of something before you do it?

Or are you running on impulse and hoping for the best, results are simply down to chance?

Are you letting your emotions and impulses rule your decisions and run your interactions with others?

Or are you aware, is the thinking mindful, are your intentions and motives clear upfront?

Being intentional and deliberate take practice. I have also spoken about that before: Upgrade your mental operating system.

Motives also need an ethical basis. Do you know where you stand and what you stand for?

Take the time and spend it wisely, in daily tasks and in your life – do it now.


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