
Adventures inside Organisations and Mind

Review of Jiyo-a Wellness Wellbeing Mobile App by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra, a well known and leading figure in the meditation and alternative health movement, has launched on June 12th together with his his co-founder Poonacha Machaiah a new service called Jiyo.

This wellness services is focused on a mobile App experience (iOS, Android) and also works fine in a browser. It collects a lot of data from sensors and content sources like Apple Health, Fitbit, Moves, Jawbone Up, HeartCloud and Google Fit

Jiyo wants to prevent intensive typing. You can easily share the lessons you have done on Twitter and Facebook, adding your own comments, experiences or/and photos. You can interact with other members (freemium or premium) but it`s a difficult to search for people because it does not search through your address book, Facebook or Twitter account. So currently I still have zero followers and no interactions or motivations from a peer group as you can see in my profile.  It also shows that I have done these two exercises around breathing which I found really helpful, easy to do (less than 3 minutes) and great inspiration to do something in your daily habits (before you dive into your dreams or start your working day)

As you can see here a number of different kind of exercises are available. Quality of the content (videos, photos, inspirational ideas) is very high and I found every single one useful and could recommend it.  There is so much more content in the premium channels which I haven`t purchased yet (1,99 US$/month).


Here you get a short impression of the varity in the premium Jiyo+ Channels, currently counting 24 channels.


So how does a Jiyo landing page in the Browser look like? Here you can see that you see a summary of your own activities like average number of steps this month or hours you slept combined with content. I have not spoken to other Jiyo Users yet but it`s possible that the content / exercises in my Jiyo are customized for me because it knows my gender, age and activity patterns.


jiyo Landing

Here is one notification about a sport exercise which I have received on my mobile app and found very useful. It`s a stretch exercise with your bike which opens chakras.



First summary:

I am very impressed about the excellent usability and user interface of the mobile App. It is so focused on exercises which are easy to do and achieve, integration into daily habits and routines shouldn`t be an issue. Notifications on my mobile help not to forget that this App is existing (yes, that already happened to other meditation Apps I have installed).

I really love the idea of integrating usage data from other activity and wellness trackers and get tailorized content. That`s an extra value I would pay for and I am close to subscribe to Jiyo+ – and write a second blogpost. I would also allow Jiyo to access my breathing patterns and history from Spire.

Finally I want to close with this remarkable and beautiful quote from Deepak Chopra why he actually built Jiyo. Nothing to add:

“I’ve always had this idea, I don’t know why, but the idea was that if I could reach a billion people and help them personally transform, we would have social transformation. Because society is a function of a critical mass of people with similar intent. If I want a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier and happier world, then we have to be the change we want to see in the world, as Mahatma Gandhi said.”


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Stephen Danelutti Avatar

One response to “Review of Jiyo-a Wellness Wellbeing Mobile App by Deepak Chopra”

  1. espia Avatar

    Gran contenido, me ayudará en mi negocio Gracias por compartir información útil. Respetuosamente, David, autor del blog


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